Clairvoyance is a sixth sense and is the ability to see visions either from the past or the future. Visions may take the form of shape and/or colors, are in either animated or still and may remain for a few seconds or last longer. They may be 'seen' with eyes open or closed.
Clairaudience means 'clear-hearing' in French and recognised as extra sensory hearing. People that are clairaudient will be able to hear sounds, voices and/or music that is not audible to normal hearing.
Clairsentient means 'clear sensing' or 'clear feeling' and is a very heightened form of empathy. It is the ability to feel a person's energy, emotions and feelings. A clairsentient may also get a feeling of premonitions of the future - whether a decision, affecting the future, will be right or wrong.
These abilities can occur whilst a person is in a normal state of consciousness.
The Clairvoyance program can be used to develop your clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities. In a few weeks, you will have a greater sense of what is around you. Your instincts will increase and you will 'know' what you need to do (many people use dowsing for this, which isn't needed once you develop this ability).
Other titles that may interest you are Telepathy, Precognition and Psychic Development.